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(Add formula element)
(Resolved q/quote issue.)
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Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text.
Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text.
Note that these elements are not necessarily rendered in a distinctive way.
== Dates ==
The <code>date</code> element contains a date in any format.
Two attributes may be used:
* <code>@when</code> supplies the value of the date in the form <code>yyyy-mm-dd</code>.
* <code>@calendar</code> indicates the calendar to which the date belongs.
Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/dc1c749c-7e17-4c54-93e2-f274409f0797
(simple date)
<p>A <placeName>la Haye</placeName> ce <date>17. Mars 1621</date>.</p>
Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/80496f14-b59f-4752-b313-8d39a613e7d8
(date with attributes)
<p>De <placeName>Berlin</placeName>, ce <date calendar="julian" when="1646-10-10">30<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> de Septembre</date>.</p>
== Formulas ==
The <code>formula</code> element contains a mathematical or other formula.
The <code>formula</code> element contains a mathematical or other formula.
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== Quotations ==
The <code>quote</code> element contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text.
For text that is to be rendered as a block quote the attribute <code>rend="block"</code> is used.
Note that a <code>quote</code> may contain paragraphs, encoded with the <code>p</code> element.
Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/c151aa14-306d-4993-aa1b-e175a469e566
(simple quote)
<p>Ick hebbe uwe schrijven van den 9 April wel ontfangen, en daer in enige woorden aldus luijden. <quote>waer door dan het punt <formula>B</formula> lichtelijk gevonden wort, als men alleenlijk op 2 sijden des driehoeks <formula>DFG</formula> circelboogen beschrijft die de gevonden hoeken tot de sijden behoorende begrijpen. want de doorsnijding van sulke 2 boogen is het punt <formula>B</formula>.</quote></p>
Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/839feb23-5c5c-44d3-ab44-868f6644ed53
(block quote)
<p>Quam ob causam ego ob communionem studiorum, quae etiam ignotissimos invicem conjunctos reddit iuxta illud: <quote rend="block">Nullus amicitiae gradus est constantior orbe, Quam qui per studii contigit esse modum</quote> intermittere non debui hisce meis literulis tuam dominationem invisere ac per hunc mihi missum tabellarium salutare simulque dolenter significare filium meum unicum, pro ut in literis regiae majestatis inscriptis a filio meo tuae dominationi ad legendum tradendis latius sit deductum, insperanter esse tractatum, nunc apud vos commorari, quem tuis curis commendandum esse duxi hoc modo, cum perdifficile sit apud tantum regem literas hinc transmissas tradi, multo perdifficilius esse super iisdem exoptatum responsum obtinere.</p>
== References ==
The <code>ref</code> element contains a textual reference to some information.
The <code>ref</code> element contains a textual reference to some information.
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<p>Atqui si <hi rend="italic">multi vocati, pauci electi</hi>, <ref type="bible">Matth. XX. 16</ref>;...</p>
<p>Atqui si <hi rend="italic">multi vocati, pauci electi</hi>, <ref type="bible">Matth. XX. 16</ref>;...</p>
N.B. Currently under discussion.

Latest revision as of 11:08, 8 February 2018

Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text. Note that these elements are not necessarily rendered in a distinctive way.


The date element contains a date in any format. Two attributes may be used:

  • @when supplies the value of the date in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
  • @calendar indicates the calendar to which the date belongs.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/dc1c749c-7e17-4c54-93e2-f274409f0797 (simple date)

<p>A <placeName>la Haye</placeName> ce <date>17. Mars 1621</date>.</p>

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/80496f14-b59f-4752-b313-8d39a613e7d8 (date with attributes)

<p>De <placeName>Berlin</placeName>, ce <date calendar="julian" when="1646-10-10">30<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> de Septembre</date>.</p>


The formula element contains a mathematical or other formula.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/4a760049-e497-4a4a-a7ef-cc44ab1227dc (simple formulas)

<p>Datis itaque positione rectis <formula>BA</formula>, <formula>AC</formula> angulum comprehendentibus,
punctoque intra angulum dato <formula>D</formula>, oporteat per ipsum ducere rectam <formula>BDC</formula>,
ita ut triangulum <formula>BAC</formula> sit omnium quae ita abscindi possunt minimum. Hoc autem satis
facile est. Illud difficilius: posito nimirum angulo <formula>BAC</formula> recto ducere per punctum
<formula>D</formula> intra ipsum dato rectam <formula>BDC</formula> omnium brevissimam.</p>

The Descartes correspondence contains formula elements with TeX notation. However, these elements occur in a figDesc element, which is not rendered. The rendered form is defined by the graphic element.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/686db5cd-8759-4e66-9db5-a6f82fe42b17 (formula in TeX notation)

<p>... le côté droit est <figure rend="inline"><graphic url="AM2L156F067.gif"/><figDesc><formula notation="TeX">${\displaystyle\strut Bq\over \displaystyle\strut D}$</formula></figDesc></figure>, ...</p>


The quote element contains a phrase or passage attributed by the narrator or author to some agency external to the text. For text that is to be rendered as a block quote the attribute rend="block" is used. Note that a quote may contain paragraphs, encoded with the p element.

Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/c151aa14-306d-4993-aa1b-e175a469e566 (simple quote)

<p>Ick hebbe uwe schrijven van den 9 April wel ontfangen, en daer in enige woorden aldus luijden. <quote>waer door dan het punt <formula>B</formula> lichtelijk gevonden wort, als men alleenlijk op 2 sijden des driehoeks <formula>DFG</formula> circelboogen beschrijft die de gevonden hoeken tot de sijden behoorende begrijpen. want de doorsnijding van sulke 2 boogen is het punt <formula>B</formula>.</quote></p>

Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/839feb23-5c5c-44d3-ab44-868f6644ed53 (block quote)

<p>Quam ob causam ego ob communionem studiorum, quae etiam ignotissimos invicem conjunctos reddit iuxta illud: <quote rend="block">Nullus amicitiae gradus est constantior orbe, Quam qui per studii contigit esse modum</quote> intermittere non debui hisce meis literulis tuam dominationem invisere ac per hunc mihi missum tabellarium salutare simulque dolenter significare filium meum unicum, pro ut in literis regiae majestatis inscriptis a filio meo tuae dominationi ad legendum tradendis latius sit deductum, insperanter esse tractatum, nunc apud vos commorari, quem tuis curis commendandum esse duxi hoc modo, cum perdifficile sit apud tantum regem literas hinc transmissas tradi, multo perdifficilius esse super iisdem exoptatum responsum obtinere.</p>


The ref element contains a textual reference to some information. Currently only used with attribute @type="bible" to refer to a specific part of the Bible.

Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/f868a963-2b51-4be8-bfca-b2c29cff097d

<p>Atqui si <hi rend="italic">multi vocati, pauci electi</hi>, <ref type="bible">Matth. XX. 16</ref>;...</p>

N.B. Currently under discussion.