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==See also==
==See also==
* [[Transcription: structure (Mondrian)]]
* [[Transcription: structure (Mondrian)]]
* [[Transcription: annotations (Mondrian)]]
* [[Transcription (Mondrian)]]
* [[Transcription (Mondrian)]]
[[Category:XML Mondrian]]
[[Category:XML Mondrian]]

Revision as of 13:27, 24 January 2017

  • <add> Addition
  • <del> Deletion
  • <hi> Highlight (if you need to highlight something and then specify how it appears in the source)
  • <retrace> A letter or word retraced to clarify the intended word or letter
  • <restore> Used to mark an earlier deletion that is undone
  • @rend This is one of the global attributes in TEI, so it is allowed with a lot of elements. It indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source. The allowed values are defined in the schema.
  • @place Indicates the location of (e.g.) an addition (above, below, margin, etc) or the closer.

The stages of changes

To encode different stages of changes, we use @seq i.e. Mondrian deleted a word and then added a new one. @seq assigns a sequence number related to the order in which the encoded features carrying this attribute are believed to have occurred.

<del seq="1">yellow</del >
<add seq="2" place="above">red</add>

You can also use seq=0 for immediate deletions (deletions while writing or Sofortkorrektur).

If a single act of modification requires multiple elements, these elements have the same seq attribute:

Ik <del seq="1">heb</del><add seq="1">lees</add> het boek<del seq="1" gelezen</del>.

On the del element, we can use the rend attribute to indicate it has been overwritten, either by an add or in a Sofortkorrektur:

<del rend="overwritten">wel</del><add>niet</add>

A text fragment that has been modified is tagged as <seg> (segment), for the purpose of being able to display the multiple states of the text. It is up to the editor to choose meaningful segments. In the above example the sentence might be tagged as <seg>:

<seg>Ik <del seq="1" >heb</del><add seq="1" >lees</add het 
boek<del seq="1" gelezen</del>.</seg>

If an earlier deletion is restored we can encode this using <restore>. An example ('cocktail' replaced by 'drink', which is then deleted while 'cocktail' is being restored):

<restore seq="2"><del seq="1">cocktail</del></restore>
<del seq="2"><add seq="1">drink</add></del>

A Sofortkorrectur is not embedded in a seg-element, because there is no need to show the different states of the text. If it is desirable to show the scope of an immediate correction by overwriting, we use add (with seq="0"):

<del seq="0">F</del><add seq="0">V</add>ics

We don't use @seq on retrace.

When a text continues in the margin, that does not by itself make the margin text an addition (<add>). An addition is something added at a later stage. When Mondrian adds a sign to indicate where the text continues, we encode this sign as a metamark.

Categories of source representation

See also