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De transcriptie met daarin de eigenlijke tekst van de editie wordt gecodeerd in een <text>-element in het XML/TEI-bestand. Daarbij wordt rekening gehouden met de structuur van de tekst, de drager van de tekst, benodigde annotaties en alle andere bijzonderheden.  
The transcription containing the actual text of the edition is encoded within a <text> element in the XML/TEI file. The structure of the text, the source of the text, required annotations and all other peculiarities are taken into account.
Wat het transcriberen van de manuscripten betreft, is het doel om zo dicht mogelijk bij de oorspronkelijke tekst te blijven. We richten ons op de productie van diplomatische uitgaven. Onder diplomatische uitgave wordt hier een editie verstaan waaraan slechts één bron ten grondslag ligt en waarin de tekst en alle verdere grafische informatie weergegeven worden in overeenstemming met die bron. Daarbij wordt niet gestreefd naar een typografische imitatie van de bron, maar naar een functionele weergave van de tekst. De transcripties willen, zoals gezegd, tekstueel een exacte weergave bieden van het geschrevene. ‘Trouw aan de tekst’ staat voorop, wat impliceert dat afwijkingen van de gangbare spelling en grammatica worden overgenomen, wijzigingen die tijdens het schrijven werden aangebracht — direct of later — worden gedocumenteerd, en ook de fysieke structuur van de bron waar relevant wordt weergeven.  
For the transcription of the manuscripts, the aim is to stay as close to the original text as possible. We focus on the production of diplomatic editions. This means that the edition is based on only one source and that the text and all graphic information will be displayed in accordance with this source. We don’t aspire a typographic imitation of the source, but aim for a functional reproduction of the text. As already stated, staying true to the text is key for the transcriptions. This means that deviations from the standard spelling and grammar are copied, changes made during writing - immediately or later - are documented, and if relevant, the physical structure of the source is reproduced.
==Structuur van de tekst==
==Structure of the text==
Een tekst is doorgaans geen 'vlak' geheel, maar bestaat gewoonlijk uit verschillende lagen met een eigen hiërarchie. Die worden ook weergegeven in het XML-bestand. De tekst wordt gecodeerd in het <text>-element, dat verplicht een <body>-element bevat. De structuur van een eenvoudige tekst zou er als volgt uitzien:
A text usually is not a ‘flat’ entity, but consists of different layer with their own hierarchy. These layers are reproduced within the XML file. The text of the edition is encoded in a <text> element, which contains a mandatory <body> element. The structure of a simple text would look as follows:
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Andere lagen van de tekst kunnen worden gecodeerd met behulp van de volgende elementen (eventueel aangevuld met attribuut @type om ze nader te specificeren):
Other layers of the text can be encoded with the following elements (if so desired supplemented with an @type attribute to further specify them):
* '''&lt;p>''' Paragraaf;
* '''&lt;p>''' Paragraph;
* '''<ab>''' Anonymous block (een willekeurige eenheid tekst, maar zonder de semantische baggage van een paragraaf);
* '''<ab>''' Anonymous block (an arbitrary unit of text, but without the semantic baggage of a paragraph);
* '''&lt;div>''' Secties (bijv. hoofdstukken, rubrieken of andere soorten secties);
* '''&lt;div>''' Section (i.e. chapter, rubric or another kind of section);
* '''<head>''' Hoofdstuktitels, opschriften etc.;
* '''<head>''' Titles of chapters, headings etc.;
* '''<group>''' Om verschillende teksten in de transcriptie aan te duiden.
* '''<group>''' To indicate different textst within the transcription.  
==Weergave van de bron==
==Reproduction of the source==
Om alle karakteristieken van de tekst en zijn drager in de digitale editie weer te kunnen geven, gebruiken we een aantal standaard XML-elementen:
To reproduce all characteristics of a text and its medium in the digital edition we use a number of standard XML elements.
* '''<add>'''          Addition;
* '''<add>'''          Addition;
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* '''@place'''         Indicates the location of (e.g.) an addition (above, below, margin, etc) or the closer;
* '''@place'''         Indicates the location of (e.g.) an addition (above, below, margin, etc) or the closer;
* '''@type'''          Used to classify or sort elements.  
* '''@type'''          Used to classify or sort elements.  
Verschillende bronnen kennen verschillende soorten bijzonderheden, en de XML-elementen die dit soort eigenschappen van de tekst vastleggen, zullen per project dan ook in meer of mindere mate variëren.
Different sources will contain different sorts of specialties, so the XML elements that encode these qualities of the text will vary to a certain extent per project.  
==See also==
==See also==

Revision as of 13:24, 15 February 2017

The transcription containing the actual text of the edition is encoded within a <text> element in the XML/TEI file. The structure of the text, the source of the text, required annotations and all other peculiarities are taken into account.

For the transcription of the manuscripts, the aim is to stay as close to the original text as possible. We focus on the production of diplomatic editions. This means that the edition is based on only one source and that the text and all graphic information will be displayed in accordance with this source. We don’t aspire a typographic imitation of the source, but aim for a functional reproduction of the text. As already stated, staying true to the text is key for the transcriptions. This means that deviations from the standard spelling and grammar are copied, changes made during writing - immediately or later - are documented, and if relevant, the physical structure of the source is reproduced.

Structure of the text

A text usually is not a ‘flat’ entity, but consists of different layer with their own hierarchy. These layers are reproduced within the XML file. The text of the edition is encoded in a <text> element, which contains a mandatory <body> element. The structure of a simple text would look as follows:


Other layers of the text can be encoded with the following elements (if so desired supplemented with an @type attribute to further specify them):

  • <p> Paragraph;
  • <ab> Anonymous block (an arbitrary unit of text, but without the semantic baggage of a paragraph);
  • <div> Section (i.e. chapter, rubric or another kind of section);
  • <head> Titles of chapters, headings etc.;
  • <group> To indicate different textst within the transcription.

Reproduction of the source

To reproduce all characteristics of a text and its medium in the digital edition we use a number of standard XML elements.

  • <add> Addition;
It is a <add>complete</add> text.
  • <damage> Damage or text loss;
<damage extent="whole leaf" agent="rubbing"> ... </damage>
  • <del> Deletion;
It is <del type=strikethrough>not</del> a complete text.
  • <hi> Highlight (if you need to highlight something and then specify how it appears in the source);
<hi rend="underline">This text is underlined</hi>
  • <restore> Used to mark an earlier deletion that is undone;
<restore seq="2"><del seq="1">cocktail</del></restore>
<del seq="2"><add seq="1">drink</add></del>
  • <space> Empty lines, using dim="vertical" and the unit and quantity attributes to indicate the number of lines;
<space dim="vertical" unit="lines" quantity="2"/>
  • <unclear> Uncertain reading of the text, for example due to damage;
A single <unclear>word</unclear> is hard to read.
  • @rend This is one of the global attributes in TEI, so it is allowed with a lot of elements. It indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source. The allowed values are defined in the schema;
  • @place Indicates the location of (e.g.) an addition (above, below, margin, etc) or the closer;
  • @type Used to classify or sort elements.

Different sources will contain different sorts of specialties, so the XML elements that encode these qualities of the text will vary to a certain extent per project.

See also