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(Add formula element)
(Add date)
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Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text.
Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text.
Note that these elements are not necessarily rendered in a distinctive way.
The <code>date</code> element contains a date in any format.
Two attributes may be used:
* <code>@when</code> supplies the value of the date in the form ,code>yyyy-mm-dd</code>.
* <code>@calendar</code> indicates the calendar to which the date belongs.
Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/dc1c749c-7e17-4c54-93e2-f274409f0797
(simple date)
<p>A <placeName>la Haye</placeName> ce <date>17. Mars 1621</date>.</p>
Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/80496f14-b59f-4752-b313-8d39a613e7d8
(date with attributes)
<p>De <placeName>Berlin</placeName>, ce <date calendar="julian" when="1646-10-10">30<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> de Septembre</date>.</p>

Revision as of 12:32, 12 December 2017

Apart from name annotations a number of other elements is used for annotating interpretation of the text. Note that these elements are not necessarily rendered in a distinctive way.

The date element contains a date in any format. Two attributes may be used:

  • @when supplies the value of the date in the form ,code>yyyy-mm-dd</code>.
  • @calendar indicates the calendar to which the date belongs.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/dc1c749c-7e17-4c54-93e2-f274409f0797 (simple date)

<p>A <placeName>la Haye</placeName> ce <date>17. Mars 1621</date>.</p>

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/80496f14-b59f-4752-b313-8d39a613e7d8 (date with attributes)

<p>De <placeName>Berlin</placeName>, ce <date calendar="julian" when="1646-10-10">30<hi rend="superscript">me</hi> de Septembre</date>.</p>

The formula element contains a mathematical or other formula.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/4a760049-e497-4a4a-a7ef-cc44ab1227dc (simple formulas)

<p>Datis itaque positione rectis <formula>BA</formula>, <formula>AC</formula> angulum comprehendentibus,
punctoque intra angulum dato <formula>D</formula>, oporteat per ipsum ducere rectam <formula>BDC</formula>,
ita ut triangulum <formula>BAC</formula> sit omnium quae ita abscindi possunt minimum. Hoc autem satis
facile est. Illud difficilius: posito nimirum angulo <formula>BAC</formula> recto ducere per punctum
<formula>D</formula> intra ipsum dato rectam <formula>BDC</formula> omnium brevissimam.</p>

The Descartes correspondence contains formula elements with TeX notation. However, these elements occur in a figDesc element, which is not rendered. The rendered form is defined by the graphic element.

Example: https://test.epistolarium.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/686db5cd-8759-4e66-9db5-a6f82fe42b17 (formula in TeX notation)

<p>... le côté droit est <figure rend="inline"><graphic url="AM2L156F067.gif"/><figDesc><formula notation="TeX">${\displaystyle\strut Bq\over \displaystyle\strut D}$</formula></figDesc></figure>, ...</p>

The ref element contains a textual reference to some information. Currently only used with attribute @type="bible" to refer to a specific part of the Bible.

Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/f868a963-2b51-4be8-bfca-b2c29cff097d

<p>Atqui si <hi rend="italic">multi vocati, pauci electi</hi>, <ref type="bible">Matth. XX. 16</ref>;...</p>