Secondary files (Mondrian)

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The bibliography is stored in a file called biblio.xml. It is divided into one or more listBibl elements that contain the bibl elements that describe the bibliographical items.

bibl elements have an xml:id attribute that can be used to point to the item. Titles are tagged as <title>. The @level attribute on the titles is used to indicate whther the titles refers to an article, monography, series or journal.


<bibl xml:id="VanTilborgh2007">Tilborgh, Louis van, <title level="a">Van Gogh in Cormon’s studio: a chronological puzzle</title>, in <title level="m">Current issues in 19th-century art</title>. <title level="s">Van Gogh Studies</title> 1. Zwolle and Amsterdam 2007, pp. 52-71.</bibl>


Stored in intro.xml. Uses TEI Lite.

Recurring notes to persons and other subjects

Stored in notes.xml.

Is divided into one or more sections (
s). Each note is its own div within these sections. It has an @xml:id attribute that can be pointed to from elsewhere. The note may have a <head> and can consist of multiple paragraphs.

In the letter texts and notes references to these notes can be made using <seg> elements with an @ana attribute.


in notes.xml:
   <head>Notes about persons</head>
   <div xml:id="vandoesburg">
      <head>Theo van Doesburg</head>
      <p>Van Doesburg was een kunstenaar .... Mondriaan leerde hem kennen op .... Hun correspondentie strekte zich uit over ...</p>
      <p>Nog een alinea</p>
   <!-- more divs ....  -->

In the letter xml:

Over <seg ana="notes.xml#vandoesburg"><rs type="person" key="23481">Van Doesburg</rs></seg> is bekend dat

Note that Van Doesburg is here encoded using both <seg> and <rs>.

See also