
From XML
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Basic principles

  • All documentation will be written in English.
  • All documentation will be put into a wiki.
  • All documentation contains as many copy-paste examples as possible.
  • All documentation will refer to as many files illustrating and displaying the discussed phenomenon as possible.
  • Due to the confidentiality of the AF project, and also because the project has almost come to an end, we temporarily won't involve AF.

XML encoding at the Huygens ING

Contains a systematical description of encoding, including descriptions on the reasons and backgrounds. Corresponding elements can be described together. The description must contain as much encoding examples as possible. The desired (general) reproduction will be described and illustrated as well. When possible, a live link to a working edition should be provided.


  1. XML, XML schema’s, XML namespaces
  2. Subversion
  3. Globale indeling XML/TEI bestand
  4. TEI Header
  5. Teksthiërarchie
  6. Transcriptie
  7. Annotatie
  8. Vertaling
  9. Tekstvergelijking
  10. Secundaire bestanden

Maintained by: Peter


  • General parts of 'Encoding Mondrian'
  • General parts of 'Afspraken codering dagboeken AF'
  • General parts of 'Richtlijnen MVN digitaal'

Wiki: XML Huygens

XML encoding for specific project

Every project will have its own document that shows where the project deviates from the common standard and that explains why certain choices are made. Can also contain more general considerations anticipating the justification for the final product.

Content: Contains interpretations and adaptations of the common agreements on XML endocing specific to the project, about for example:

  • The number of XML files (1 file for the whole project, 1 file per letter etc.)
  • Naming files
  • Whether or not to use certain attributes
  • Specific values of attributes

Maintained by: Peter and the project leader of the specific project



  • Specific parts of 'Encoding Mondrian'
  • Specific parts of 'Afspraken codering dagboeken AF'
  • Specific parts of 'Richtlijnen MVN digitaal'
  • Parts of 'Tekstbezorging en annotatie (Mondriaan)'

Concrete encoding guideline

Content: This document shows the intended encoding per textual phenomenon, including deviations for certain projects. Refers as much as possible to the systematic documents (Set-up#XML encoding at the Huygens ING and Set-up#XML encoding for specific project).

Maintained by: everyone


  • Instructions for transcription (Mondrian)


Content: Manuals Subversion, oXygen, and any other possible tool.

Maintained by: authors/everyone

Set-up XML documentation Huygens


  • This page
  • Manual maintained wiki pages

Maintained by: Peter

Ad hoc documents

As far as they concern the use of XML.

Content: Marlein's stock-taking, 'Overzicht te coderen elementen' ('survey of elements that need to be encoded'), for example. An ad hoc document is no substitution for systematic documentation. In general, an ad hoc document will be temporary. It can be usefull to share the document with others.

See also