XML Huygens

From XML
Revision as of 12:40, 25 April 2017 by PBO (Talk | contribs)

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For the purposes of a uniformization of all XML guidelines for digital Huygens projects, the Huygens ING wants to provide its editors with a description of the desired common way of encoding. This general information will be divided into several subpages that discuss a variety of subjects, ranging from a general explanation of XML to information about the content of specific parts of the XML files.


(To be realized step by step)

  • All XML documentation on this wiki
  • Describe general decisions only once, project-specific changes on project-level pages
  • Each project has its own schema, but new elements (not in the general TEI schema) will use a single (Huygens) namespace
  • ...


  1. XML, XML schemas, XML namespaces
  2. Subversion
  3. Global division of the XML/TEI file
  4. TEI Header
  5. Textual hierarchy
  6. Transcription
  7. Annotation
  8. Translation
  9. Tekstvergelijking
  10. Secondary files