Local annotations (ePistolarium)

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For local annotations (annotations anchored to a location in the text) we use an anchor element to identify the place where the note should be inserted. The anchor should contain a @type="note" and a @n attribute with a value that uniquely identifies the note in the text. A corresponding note element should be inserted in the <div type="notes"> element elsewhere in the document. The note must have a @n attribute with the same value as in the corresponding anchor.

Example: https://correspondence.huygens.knaw.nl/documents/e4a4f70c-d241-45f0-bbf1-c72be586d57d

<div type="artifact" subtype="letter">
<p><placeName>Hagae-Comitis</placeName>, Anno CIƆIƆCX<anchor type="note" n="6-8"/>.</p>
<div type="notes">
<note n="6-8">De brief heeft alleen het jaartal.</note>