Tables (ePistolarium)

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Tables are encoded with the table, row, and cell elements.

  • table contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns.
  • row contains one row of a table.
  • cell contains one cell of a table.

Each row in a table should have the same number of columns. This is usually the number of cells in a row. However, if a cell element has a rows attribute, its value indicates the number of columns occupied by this cell.

If a row contains a labeling of the columns in the table, this is accomplished by adding a role="header" attribute to the cells in that row.

Example: (simple table)

<p>284 cujus partes aliquotae sunt 220, et vice versa.

Example: (table with cells of varying width)

<cell cols="2"/>
<cell>ut 274</cell>
<cell cols="3"/>
<cell cols="3"/>

Example: (table with heading)

<cell role="header">Then</cell>
<cell role="header">Diameter.</cell>
<cell role="header">Superficies.</cell>
<cell role="header">Solidity.</cell>
<cell role="header">Weight.</cell></row>