Mondrian: Decisions during eDITem project

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These are decisions taken during the eDITem project that have to be worked into the rest of the documentation. For the moment, we document them here.

We will not be using sic and corr, but orig and reg. We move the @type from the sic to the reg (not to the orig: not allowed).


We create a separated .xml file for organizations. In the text we use the following encoding: <rs type="org" ref="org.xml#xxx">

Sample of the Organizations file:

         @ana (value: museum, gallery, artistassoc, firm, org) and @xml:id 


For now we regularise layout of postcards the way we do letters.

We display date/place always full left, on a single line, followed by one white line. We change the current encoding for address and date in dateline (to be added by a stylesheet):


  <dateline> … </dateline>
  <salute> … </salute>


We display salutation always full left, beneath the date/place after a white line and the first line of the letter immediately below the salutation, set full left.

Paragraphs are indented except for the first line of the letter text and after a white line.

encoded as

with @xml:id and @n added via a stylesheet (<p xml:id="" n="2"> and <p xml:id="p.en.2" n="2">) <opener> and <closer> encoded as paragraphs: <opener xml:id="" n="1"> and <opener xml:id="p.en.1" n="1">

Postscripts are shown after the signature and after one white line.

Superscript encoded as @rend='super'. @underline, when combined with superscript, removed in the site, but kept in the xml.

Unusual abbreviations: to be coded as <choice><expan>. The usual abbreviations will be described in a list.

White lines: keep them in xml as they are encoded (vertical spaces) and display them as one white line when they occur within the body of the letters. After <opener> use the @rend=“norend” encoding. (The @rend=“norend” will be added through a stylesheet)

Quotation marks: still under discussion.

Comma and full stop: to be encoded with <orig> and <reg>

Single underlining: encode as underlined and display in italics

Multiple underlining: encode as multiple underlined and display in italics. Annotation when the underlining have a specific meaning.

Atypical writing, combinations, repeated quotes, quotations, lines and dots: not relevant or not present

Parentheses: all parentheses are typed as written

Uncertainties: encode with <choice><unclear><unclear>. Display content of first unclear element. (Perhaps visualise with mouse-over).

Additions in margins: encode with <add> and @place with values: “left margin” “right margin” “bottom margin” “top margin”

Metamark coded as <metamark/>

Appendices: encode as a separated division with @type="appendix", and a new <pb/>

We make explicit what is preprinted or pre-written by using the @rend with "preprinted" or "prewritten" values. We do that only when Mondrian fill in preprinted/prewritten address or forms and not for fixed parts of the letters (as letterheads).

Table: encode as such when they occur (with , <row> and <cell>).

Introductions: not provided at this stage: most of the letters don’t require introduction and when pieces of information are needed, they are provided within annotation. This point could be discuss again in the future.

We will make the XML freely available for users If Steering Committee agrees.

lb and hyphens: removed

Nationality: we decided to add (one or more) <nationality> for each person in the bio.xml file, before the date of birth:

                   <persName><forename>xxx</forename> <surname>xxx</surname></persName>
                   <nationality from="xxxx" to="yyyy"></nationality>
                   <nationality from="xxxx" to="yyyy"></nationality>
                   <birth when="xxxx">



Note: rs type=person' used (with type and ref attribute) also for names that occur in the opener, also with abbreviation: ex. when we have D.A. we encode D.<rs type="person" ref="#bio.xml#xxxx">A.</rs>

Multiple authors

In case of letters with multiple authors (co-signed by Mondrian), use multiple <rs> element (with @ref and @type=person) in <correspAction type=’sent’>

References to images


Writings (work in progress)
