Names (ePistolarium)

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As a result of automated or manual processing named entities are annotated in the text. The following TEI elements are used: name, persName, placeName, rs, and title.

rs (referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string.

The ePistolarium uses this with the following values of the @type attribute.
type="geo" for geographical names
type="org" for organization names
type="person" for person names
type="place" for place names
In both cases the references are indirect, for instance "X's sister".
The @key attribute is used when the name has been identified.

persName (personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person.

The @key attribute is used when the name has been identified.

placeName contains an absolute or relative place name.

The @key attribute is used when the name has been identified.

title contains a title for any kind of work.

No normalization is used.

name contains a proper noun or noun phrase.

Used for names that do nor belong to the categories mentioned above.
The @type attribute is used to assign a category, currently "bible", "code", or "group".

TO DO: After discussion with Peter Boot, we decided on a standard that uses rs is the principal way to annote names, with type to distinguish between categories (person, place, etc.) and key to indicate identifiers for these names.

TO DO: Add examples.