TEI Header (Mondrian)

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The teiHeader

The <teiHeader> contains the letter's or manuscript's metadata. In an earlier stage of the project we used encoding guidelines for the header derived from the DALF project. We switched to a more modern encoding that uses the <correspDesc> element. The elements of the teiHeader that we use are the:

  • fileDesc
  • profileDesc
  • revisionDesc

This looks as follows:


The fileDesc

A typical fileDersc will contain a fileStmt, a publicationStmt and sourceDesc. The sourceDesc will contain a msDesc (manuscript description) that contains an msIdentifier detailing the location of the manuscript as well as alternate identifiers. The msDesc will also contain a physDesc (physical description) that identifies the type of the manuscript (brief or briefkaart) and describe decoration, if any.

It may look like this:

    <title>Briefkaart aan <ref target="bio.xml#MondriaanCarel">Carel</ref> en <ref target="bio.xml#MondriaanLouis">Louis Mondriaan</ref>. Hengelo, maandag 22 oktober 1906 (poststempel).</title>
    <editor xml:id="wc">Wietse Coppes</editor>
    <editor xml:id="lj">Leo Jansen</editor>
    <sponsor>Mondriaan Editieproject</sponsor>
    <p>(to be provided later)</p>
        <settlement>Den Haag</settlement>
        <altIdentifier><idno type="letterId">19061022_MOND_C+L_0012</idno></altIdentifier>
        <altIdentifier><idno type="def"/></altIdentifier>
        <objectDesc form="briefkaart"/>

The profileDesc

The profileDesc describes the 'correspondence actions'. For example:

    <correspAction type="sent">
      <name key="56854">Piet Mondriaan</name>
      <date when="1906-10-22">maandag 22 oktober 1906</date>
    <correspAction type="received">
      <name key="...">Carel Mondriaan</name>
      <name key="...">Louis Mondriaan</name>

About the dating

The text of <date> in <correspAction type="sent"> is what you want to appear in the edition. The @when attribute indicates the precise date; if necessary use @notBefore and/or @notAfter to indicate a range (in this case, the @when attribute is what will be used for sorting). In the attributes, the dates are entered as yyyy-mm-dd.

  • Single date:
<date when="1935-03-13">March 13, 1935</date>
  • Date range:
<date when="1935-03-13" notAfter="1935-03-14"
   notBefore="1935-03-13">March 13 or March 14, 1935</date>

The revisionDesc

The revisionDesc is used to track the progress of the editorial work on the specific letter or manuscript.

Some remarks

The md:type attribute contains the type of document and has one of the values: letter, postcard, telegram (or manuscript, article?)

The elements <author> and <addressee> are required to have a @key, which points to a resource about the person mentioned (in this case, the RKDartists inventory)

<author> and <addressee> can also have @attested and @accepted; <placeLet> and <dateLet> can just have @attested. We vullen attested/accepted in. (Attested: expliciet gedocumenteerd; accepted: inductief)

More information on how these elements are used is available in Creating Mondrian: further guidelines

In <letContents>, informations can be organized in one or more paragraphs

, keywords <keywords> or as notes <note>.</s> We probably won't use this. <envOcc> is a required element, with a required @occ, to encode the presence of an envelope.

See also