TEI Header

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The <teiHeader> is a required component of the transcription file and contains metadata about the digital edition. It generally consists of the following elements:

  • The <fileDesc>: the only mandatory component. It contains a bibliographic description of the digital edition;
  • The <encodingDesc>, which describes the relation between the digital edition and its (material) source;
  • The <profileDesc> containing classifying and contextual information about the text.

The <fileDesc> itself consists of three mandatory parts as well:

  • A <titleStmt> with information about the <title>, <author> and/or <editor> of the text;
  • A <publicationStmt> containing information about publication details;
  • A <sourceDesc> with bibliographical details about the material source.

The smallest possible valid TEI Header looks like this:

<!-- title of the resource -->
<!-- Information about distribution of the resource -->
<!-- Information about source from which the resource derives -->

Not every source of text requires the same type of information within the metadata, so the way in which the <teiHeader> is shaped depends on the type of source. It is therefore advisable to take a look at the Wiki page about the TEI Header of the relevant project.

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